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What is it like living in Mississippi? Explore where we live, work, and play!

Many of us will gather with family, friends, and loved ones tomorrow to celebrate Thanksgiving. The holiday season often encourages an attitude of gratitude, allowing us to reflect on the things we are most thankful for.

This year, I would like to add the state of Mississippi to my list of things to be grateful for.

I have been making homemade eggnog for the Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays for 50 years. Homemade eggnog has a vastly different taste than anything from a store. It is best served hot, right out of the pot. But most of all, it is best if shared with family and friends. The recipe below is my gift to you this year.

Recent conversations about our family gathering have included the menu with side dishes being the more specific topic.

Of course, side dishes need to encompass some healthy vegetables and enough food choices to satisfy a crowd. Yet, Thanksgiving almost commands that a comforting side dish be among the spread.

This is the season of gratitude and reflection. Just like the years before, 2024 has come with its own unique challenges. As we draw near to the end of the year and enter into the season of Thanksgiving, we may find ourselves reflecting on all that has occurred during the year. Although silent reflection is great, now is the perfect time to express our gratitude and appreciation. Here are a few ways to celebrate Thanksgiving season this year.

Thanksgiving is one of the most anticipated times of the year. People have all already started to plan what they’re going to cook and have secured travel arrangements. Some people are already thinking about their Thanksgiving outfits. If you are looking forward to getting ready for your Mississippi Thanksgiving, make sure you follow these five tips.

Mississippi is filled with entrepreneurs, men and women who see a need and diligently work to fulfill that need with innovative products and services. Many of these Mississippians think outside the box and look for pragmatic solutions to real-life problems – solutions that are not only effective but affordable and desirable as well. 

Hattiesburg is never short on things to do and places to go. With its booming economy and the reviving of downtown Hattiesburg, you will never run out of activities to participate in this fall. If you live in Hattiesburg and are looking for something to do this fall, here are five simple, but sublime activities.