Using her talent to inspire others, country-soul singer, Elsie, has used her musical talents to create music that is fun to sing and dance to. In addition to her music being fun, it is eye-opening, causing you to sit down, ponder, and reflect upon yourself, life, and those around you.

There’s nothing as wonderful in the Summer as fresh fruits and vegetables straight from the garden. Here’s your guide to Mississippi’s farmer’s markets.

What better place to host a giant literary lawn party than Mississippi? The Magnolia State is known to produce some of the greatest writers of all time, and this beloved annual event brings readers and writers together from all over the state and the nation. 

On Saturday, August 19, the Mississippi Book Festival will again be held in Jackson, on the State Capitol Building grounds, from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. The event is free and open to the public. 

Anyway, whether some of us like it or not, school IS back in session, so I thought it would be a good time to reflect  upon some of the best/favorite teachers I had throughout my educational process in the Pascagoula School System. I’ve decided to begin with a commentary about an instructor who was probably the most exceptional classroom educator I ever had, then give bullet point comments about several others, starting that group with grade school and going forward.