It’s mid-February, and we all know what that means – Blood Pressure Awareness Day.
OK, OK, OK, that might be just a little too caustic, but the truth is that Valentine’s Day does bring a lot of pressure to bear on people of all ages.
Which card is the right card? Do we want to give (and receive) flowers, candy, or both? Should we book the perfect restaurant or cook an elaborate meal? What about a glamorous weekend getaway? Or a romantic staycation?
From kindergarten through adulthood, the Valentine’s Day questions and worries abound!
Even now, I vividly remember the gut-wrenching choices my boys faced in the middle of the Walmart aisle: Spider-Man Valentines were great for their best buds, but they needed a few slightly more girl-centric, mushy cards too. So, the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers packet worked, but only if the ratio of the Pink Power Ranger Valentines per box was equal to the number of girls in their respective classrooms. If not, the outcome could be catastrophic.
No doubt! For an eight-year-old, those choices were potentially life-changing, and that same, pressurized craziness of Valentine’s Day persists even today, especially in our children’s classrooms.
In fact, for students and teachers alike, the craziness of this day is only topped by the sugar-induced chaos of Halloween.
But have no fear! Our Mississippi teachers are on the ball.
Across the state, teachers are turning this day into a learning and loving experience. Besides discovering the holiday’s history, Mississippi educators use it as a springboard to other amazing lessons on combatting racism and bullying, properly writing and addressing personal letters, creating meaningful art pieces, and so much more.
For example, many Mississippi students make, send, and sometimes even deliver Valentines to the residents of local nursing homes. From my own parents’ experience, I know that those sweet, handmade cards are the highlight of a cold, dreary, and lonely time of the year.
(For those interested in participating in this hope-filled activity, simply call a local nursing home for info. Or feel free to send a Valentine to one of the residents at Cedars Health Center, 2800 West Main Street, Tupelo, Mississippi, 38801.)
But honestly, one of my favorite Valentine’s Day activities is taking place right now in the 3rd grade classes of Mooreville Elementary School of Lee County, Mississippi. It’s a geography-based project called A Valentine from all 50 States!
During February, these Mooreville kids are asking people from all over the country to mail them a Valentine’s Day card, along with some information about the participants and their home states.
It sounds simple, but this project has morphed into something much bigger. It has become a national endeavor, with family, friends, and neighbors sharing the project online via social media.
I confess that I just had to get in on the action.
So, I asked a few friends from other places, including a childhood friend who lives in Alaska, to help these kids out with their national goal. My Alaskan friend loved the idea so much that she got her grandsons involved. They made and sent the Mississippi kids some homemade cards, while my friend shared some fun facts and photos about life in Alaska. It was pure joy for those in Alaska, as well as those in Mississippi.
And thankfully, the Mooreville teachers have kept participants up to date with the project, by posting a United States map with the appropriate states colored-in when Valentines are received. The colorful tally board also displays the gorgeous cards received, along with other sweet gifts and information sheets.
Think about the impact of this project!
Not only are these Mississippi students learning hordes of geographical facts, but they are also learning firsthand what the true spirit of this holiday represents – thoughtfulness and loving kindness.
Best of all, it’s not too late for you to get involved with A Valentine from all 50 States! See project details below.