Browsing: food

Henry’s really is one of the local best, and as the name suggests, is a pretty good bakery as well. I love the baguettes they make, so crusty and delicious, and the meat-stuffed pastries are delicious as well.

I am still enjoying the Cooking and Coping Facebook group and am delighted to see so many people returning to the kitchen, or stepping in for the first time.

I am going to add on to last weeks story, if you don’t mind. Just like most people, I am working in the yard, cleaning parts of my little cottage that haven’t been investigated in a long while, and fortunately, working on a few assignments and a book on Southern food ways. But more than anything else I am cooking and baking. And I share everything I cook on my Facebook page. Everything, good and bad.

Many people are turning to the kitchen as a way of dealing with being inside for so long. If you haven’t noticed, social media is flooded with images of the creative things people are doing.