During this time of year The Salvation Army receives tremendous support from the community. As many of our staff have been deployed to help with hurricane relief, we strongly need volunteers, thanksgiving food, and more.
We seek volunteers to ring bells starting November 16th and ending on Christmas Eve. To coordinate your bell ringing experience, call Zach Rhodes at 228-207-2303.
Last year, The Salvation Army asked for food to fill the emergency food pantry. We received an abundant amount of turkeys with the fixings and were able to send holiday food boxes home for needy families. Food box recipients were very surprised and appreciative. We ask the community to help achieve this thanksgiving miracle again for 2018.
Stacy Crandle, Social Services explained that “food to make a Thanksgiving meal with, such as: turkey, stuffing, green beans, cranberry sauce, Mac “n” Cheese, etc. are very good donations”.
Donations accepted at 2019 22nd St. Gulfport, 575 Division St. Biloxi, and at 3217 Nathan Hale Ave., Pascagoula.
Interested in associating your business or group with one of the most iconic symbols in the United States? Be a Red Kettle Sign sponsor, call Zach Rhodes at 228-207-2303 and ask for sponsorship packages that will promote your group, organization, or company, alongside The Salvation Army’s Red Kettle Christmas program.