Did you know that grits and coffee share something in common? Both are much better if they have been freshly ground. The coffee revolution in this country brought that point home in a big way.

Boaters or folks strolling along the banks of the Pascagoula River on late summer evenings sometimes hear melodious humming. They hear the river singing. They hear the Singing River.

Fourth of July. July the Fourth. July 4th. Independence Day. So many names but one holiday that we ensure to commemorate, celebrate, and honor. To some, it’s simply another day. To others, it’s a Fallout Boy song (which happens to be one of my favorite songs). However, to many Americans, this holiday is a testament of our country’s resilience. Resilience is one of America’s greatest strengths, and it has transcended throughout the generations of this nation. 

grant of $50,000 has been awarded to Community Care Network/Sue’s Home by the organization, 50 Women Gulf Coast, in order to support and expand their Breakthrough Youth program which serves youth ages 18-24, most of whom are aging out of foster care.

Like millions of other Ukrainians who have left their war-torn home, Vasyl Shramenko has sought safety for his family and a fresh start in another country. He’s now settling in as a new member of the Bulldog family, working with MSU Dining Services. “When we came as a family to Starkville, the first thing we did was to look for a job.