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    Imagine enjoying local dining, shopping, exercising, and relaxing without ever having to get behind the wheel of a car. For many people in Mississippi cities, a walkable or bikeable neighborhood like this seems out of reach. However, longtime friends Beth and Kaite Seymore are trying to change that, starting with the Mississippi Gulf Coast. The friends recently opened Tour de Coast, Mississippi’s first private E-Bike share company.

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    Food & Dining

    Football season has returned to Mississippi! This season brings watch parties, tailgating, and cooler weather (eventually). A great pot of chili is a welcome addition to all three. Chili is quick to toss together, requires little active cooking time (thanks to a slow cooker) and feeds a crowd. Setting up a toppings bar is a fun way to customize for guests.  


    A ride beside the artificial beaches along Highway 90 in coastal Mississippi provides a great view of the Mississippi Sound, but is often framed with what has become an extensive system of sand dunes, dressed in the ultimate dune plant – Sea Oats. Everything about this plant is designed to live in what is a harsh environment of sand and wind.

    OK, who loves cockroaches? No one! Well, Ensign Wasps do and when you see one, you know they are on the hunt. These small active wasps are not hard to distinguish from the many small insects that can be found flying about in your home. They are harmless and interesting to watch as they seek their victims.

    Treetops have been a place I always wanted to visit. Being afraid of heights has kept me on the ground, but I remain enamored with what I can see and hear from the safety of terra firma. Taking the time to arch your neck and look up into the canopy is a worthy exercise if nothing more than to wonder and contemplate what lies above.  

    Have you ever noticed nearly perfect round holes in leaves and wonder what made them? Well, wonder no more, for you have proof that leafcutting bees are nearby. These small industrious bees have evolved to cut and weave these excised pieces of leaves to make their nest.