Of all the yard critters that we encounter, box turtles are favorites. They often become pets of sorts when we offer them treats, and if done regularly, they can become demanding. Stories of turtles waiting at the back door or even looking into the house “asking” for attention are not uncommon. We humans are trainable that way. Cute names are often assigned.
Looking for more ways to find out what great things people are doing on the Mississippi Gulf Coast? Check out the Coast Vue talk show! Haven’t heard about it yet? Stay tuned to learn more!
A Mississippi State researcher is co-leading a new network of more than 100 wildlife scientists and land managers from across the U.S. to monitor and aid birds along the Gulf of Mexico.
Led by USM Gulf Park students in the Bachelor of Social Work (BSW) Club, the Thanksgiving Golden Basket project supports South Mississippi families who are among the least food secure on the coast.
A Gulf Coast civil rights icon is being honored as the namesake of a new, $100 million National Science Foundation (NSF) oceanographic research ship, to be operated by the Gulf – Caribbean Oceanographic Consortium (GCOC), led by The University of Southern Mississippi (USM) and the Louisiana Universities Marine Consortium (LUMCON).
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