Buddy – The Buddy Holly Story – the show that inspired a generation of multi-million selling juke-box musicals including Jersey Boys, Mamma Mia, Million Dollar Quartet and We Will Rock You takes the stage at Beau Rivage Resort & Casino for four shows, Feb. 28 – March 1.
The producer that brought Beau Rivage Christmas Dreams, The Holiday Ice Spectacular and Santa & Friends now delivers Christmas in the Air, Dec. 14-27 in the Beau Rivage Theatre. This ‘snow globe come to life’ holiday spectacular features a 26-person cast of synchronized, high-kicking, Rockette-style dancers, world-class singers, veteran TV and film actors and special appearances from Santa, his elves and several of their well-known pals.
The MGM Resorts Foundation will accept nonprofit grant applications through its online portal through Oct. 4, 2019. Funding will be awarded to local nonprofit agencies that provide services focused on fighting hunger, supporting families and improving the lives of all residents in our communities.
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