MGCCC will be hosting a Chevron career night “Pipeline to Success” at the Jackson County Campus Cafeteria on Tuesday, September 17 from 5:30-7:30 pm. This event is designed for high school students and their parents as well as undecided MGCCC students to learn about careers at Chevron and the community college programs that support operations, maintenance, and engineering pathways.
Join MGCCC and Chevron to discover MGCCC programs that can lead to a career with Chevron!
Highlighted programs are Process Operations Technology, Instrumentation and Controls Technology, Precision Manufacturing & Machining Technology, Welding Technology, and Engineering.
Walk-ins are welcome! Find out more info and RSVP at
Tuesday, Sept. 17
5:30pm – 7:30pm
MGCCC Jackson County Campus Cafeteria
Questions? Contact Genetris Byrd at or 228-497-7698