For millions of fans worldwide, Kermit the Frog stars in some of their earliest memories. Whether playing the banjo in the swamp or flailing with excitement to introduce “The Muppet Show,” Kermit is a beloved cultural icon.

One Kemp’s ridley sea turtle, among the world’s most endangered sea turtle species, has had its third successful visit for specialized care at Mississippi State University’s College of Veterinary Medicine. Better known by university veterinarians as Toast Malone, this turtle recently arrived with a fishhook lodged in its stomach. MSU Professor and CVM Internist Dr. John Thomason performed an endoscopy to successfully remove the fishhook, saving its life.

Some people say the distinctive sweetness of these Mississippi melons all comes down to the loamy soil in Smith County; others say it’s just a tradition of family excellence learned and then passed down from generation to generation of Smith County farmers. 

There are a variety of reason for American’s love of wings. Perhaps foremost, is our love of hand portable foods (it’s the reason tamales became popular to the farm workers in the Mississippi Delta as a food they could take to the fields with them). But there can be no denying that wings are just plan delicious.

The recent Independence Day holiday featured fireworks and food for many families with one of those foods more than likely being watermelon. July 4 and the preceding weeks mark watermelon season, and unfortunately for watermelon connoisseurs like me, the holiday also marks a time period when homegrown watermelons become less abundantly available.

One of my favorite native trees is Sourwood – Oxydendrum arboreum. I love them for several traits that make them stand out in our landscape. Although Sourwood can grow to be large trees, many are found in the understory of our forests where they have an arching habit, rather than standing straight

Gallant Hearts Guide Dog Center was co-founded by Rebecca (Becky) Floyd and Kathie Curtis in 2010. Floyd, the Executive Director, had a dream and passion for establishing a guide dog school and pursued that dream after retiring as the Executive Director of the MS Protection and Advocacy System in Jackson, MS. Curtis, who shared the dream of a guide dog school, retired as the Director of Youth Ministry for the Catholic Diocese of Jackson and now is the Director of Kennel Operations & Puppy Program.