Browsing: OurMSVoices

Voices from around the state.

Can you believe we are at the end of the year? I will say— 2023 has been quite a year. It seems to have passed by with the blink of an eye! From belly laughter with loved ones to tears shed secretly, if I could describe 2023 in one word for the state of Mississippi, it would be “forward”. 

My Mama Katie was a true Mississippi woman. Born in 1904, she lived all 98 years of her life in this state, and she epitomized the Mississippi tradition of true hospitality.

The values and traditions that are engrained in me from growing up in rural America, more specifically, rural Southern Mississippi, are something I don’t think about every day but, they are never more apparent than when I travel back home to Lucedale, Mississippi for the annual family Christmas gathering.

There’s that great line in the final scene of “A Christmas Story” when Ralphie, clutching his Red Ryder b-b gun, says, “the greatest Christmas gift I had ever received, or would ever receive”. I’ve always liked that quote, as it speaks not only to the joy he had with the b-b gun, but also to how Christmas memories like that can stay with us forever.

Anyway, whether some of us like it or not, school IS back in session, so I thought it would be a good time to reflect  upon some of the best/favorite teachers I had throughout my educational process in the Pascagoula School System. I’ve decided to begin with a commentary about an instructor who was probably the most exceptional classroom educator I ever had, then give bullet point comments about several others, starting that group with grade school and going forward.

Pascagoula and Jackson County are like a mosaic, a mish-mash of colorful irregular pieces held in place by a few applications of some common plasters. No doubt this can be said of all cities, but we’ve got a lot of parts here in the Lower Pascagoula River region that are not found in other Deep South locales.