An 11-man Singing River Electric crew is traveling to Talquin Electric Cooperative based in Quincy, Fla., to restore power outages after Category 4 Hurricane Helene swept through their service area. Linemen from Jackson, George, and Greene counties met for a safety briefing and a prayer before leaving.

Talquin Electric provides electricity to approximately 57,000 meters – 55% of these are without power. Their service territory spans from Florida’s gulf coast to the Florida/Georgia state line, including portions of Tallahassee and the surrounding areas.

“We were asked to send linemen to Florida following Hurricane Helene, and our answer was yes, as that is the cooperative way,” said Singing River Electric General Manager and CEO Brian Hughey. “Our linemen are eager to put their skills to use to restore power for Talquin Electric’s members.”

Save travels to our linemen as they live out the 6th Cooperative Principle – Cooperation Among Cooperatives by helping a fellow cooperative in need.

Singing River Electric has weathered many storms in its 85-year history and is a trusted source for power and information. More than 80,000 electric meters are served along 7,800 miles of power lines in seven Mississippi counties and two Alabama counties.


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