Alas. Fall is whispering to us, letting us know that it has arrived. Some of us thought the weather was cooling down a bit, but in truly, early autumn, Mississippi nature, the coolness was temporary — only set aside for mornings and evenings. I walked outside this morning and was taken aback by the gentle coolness in the air. By the afternoon, I was suffocating in the typical Mississippi heat. Although the weather is still catching up with the new season, there are still many indicators that fall is, in fact, here. Here’s a list of some things I’ve observed. 


The leaves are falling, slowly but surely. Before long, we will be hearing the satisfying crunch of leaves under our shoes. Although we are not quite at that point yet, I have noticed the leaves are slowly drifting to the ground. Seeing leaves piled up on people’s driveways is one of my favorite things to witness. It reminds me of growing up, raking leaves together, and diving into them followed by joyous shrieks of laughter. Great memories. 

Chilly Mornings

Mornings have become more chilly— chilly enough to take a ride without the air on! These types of mornings are perfect for a nice walk or an outdoor exercise to start the day. Chilly mornings are also ideal for a warm cup of tea. Is it too early to think about hot cocoa, or are we waiting until the Christmas season rolls around? 


The decor is going from soft pastels and bright pops of color to orange, brown, red, and yellows — colors that traditionally represent fall. Although these are more common,  I’ve seen a few people using non-traditional color palettes to create a unique autumn look. No matter if you lean more traditional or a bit alternative, the beauty of fall decorations can be achieved with a variety of aesthetics and color schemes!


The excitement of the changing season is among us. Conversations of autumn fun are in the air. People are already thinking about their favorite Thanksgiving dishes. The fashionistas are raving about how excited they are to get to wear their favorite scarf or cardigan. Sighs of relief fill the air as Mississippians talk about how this is their favorite time of the year. Those who have “ber” (September, October, November, December) birthdays are planning their celebrations. 

Sugar and (Pumpkin) Spice and Everything Nice

Fall is not complete without the beloved pumpkin spice. From scented candles to lattes, pumpkin spice is a sign that fall has arrived. I don’t know about you, but my autumn will be flooded with all things pumpkin spice. Are you a fan of pumpkin spice lattes? 

A Slow (but sure) Transition 

Although the weather is still catching up, fall is finally here. In the bustle of your everyday life, what have you noticed lately that made you think, “Ah, yes. Fall is definitely here?” Is fall your favorite time of the year? Let us know in the comment section of Our Mississippi Home’s Facebook page!

Allyson Alford is a native of Foxworth, MS. She completed her B.A. in English with a minor in Theater Arts at the University of Mississippi. Allyson is a proud Mississippian who is passionate about writing and literature. She loves blueberries and cheese pizza and aspires to learn how to knit.

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