Take in some live theater this weekend with the Pascagoula Senior Center Acting Troupe’s annual showcase. This year the group will present “A Showcase of Pure Comedy” over three shows from Thursday to Saturday, Jan. 31 to Feb. 2. This year’s showcase is titled “A Showcase of Pure Comedy.” The comedy showcase features scenes from “The Odd Couple,” Neil Simon’s classic Broadway play, which later became a popular movie and television show; scenes from Simon’s female version of “The Odd Couple,” a lesser-known but equally hilarious production; scenes from “Meow;” and “The Apple Tree.”

Cast Members
Cast of last year’s “The Glass Menagerie” Richard Lucas and Betty St. Amant

Cast members, playing various roles under the direction of Mac Nelson, include Faith Magallanes, Betty St. Amant, Pam Beecher, Richard Lucas, and Johnny Fryer. “We have had great success with this acting class,” said Nelson, who is retired and living back in his hometown of Pascagoula after a long theatre career in New York City. “Right off the bat, I could tell we had a lot of talent around here, which you will see on display in these presentations. We believe what we’re doing is a very positive quality of life contribution locally, and we are grateful for the City of Pascagoula’s support.”

According to Richard Lucas, one of the actors in the showcase, the group has been performing once a year for approximately four years. He said this group has filled a need in the community for locally-produced dramatic productions ever since the closing of the Pas-Point Little Theatre years ago. “With Mac’s group, we have that again,” Lucas said. “This has been a very positive outlet for those who enjoy the theater arts around here.” Last year, the group performed a variety of scenes, including some from “The Glass Menagerie” by Tennessee Williams. Lucas said that was a heavy story. This year’s scenes are going in a different direction, focusing on comedy. Lucas said the scenes will provide a great weekend of entertainment put on by people that many people in the community either know or know of. “We hope that it continues to grow as the years go on,” Lucas said. The show is free and open to the public.

The shows will be held on Jan. 31 and Feb. 1 at 7 p.m. as well as on Feb. 2 at 2 p.m. at the Live Oak Room of the Senior Center located at 1912 Live Oak Street in Pascagoula.

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