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My name is Lazaro Rovira and I’m the Broker/Owner of Rovira Team Realty. One of the questions I’m always asked is, “Why should I buy a home? Why in Jackson County?”.

There are many reasons why you should buy a home. For me it is very personal. I come from a background where my family never owned a home, we always rented, and went from place to place. For me owning a home is stability!

Unless your parents left you something to fall back on, or you put away a big chunk of your income every month, you won’t end up with much of a retirement fund. Buying a home is building wealth. The money you will spend renting a home for 20-30 years is money you will never see again. If you owned that home, you could have paid it off in full within the same time frame, and ended up with a valuable asset instead of your money in someone else’s pocket. Owning a home is building wealth for the future!

When my family and I came to Jackson County, temporarily in 2006, we fell in love with the people and all the opportunities. If you want to work and make a good living, Jackson County is the place to be because of industry leaders like Chevron, Ingalls, VT Halter, etc. Our economy and real estate market are very solid! Average salaries in these industries are about $50,000 per year!

Jackson County has some of the best public schools in the state. Our children are well educated and a prime example is our Pascagoula/Gautier School District. Our teachers do a great job with our kids and we are now moving towards one of the best districts in the state! Ocean Springs is regularly ranked as one of the best schools around. They have a beautiful downtown area and the real estate market is booming! Vancleave & Hurley offer very good schools with beautiful homes, if you like country living and want some land you might want to look into these two cities. Moss Point schools are coming up and getting better every year. They also have some of the best people around. We love the people of Moss Point and we are proud to have a branch office there. For private schools, it does not get any better than Resurrection Catholic School in Pascagoula, the staff is amazing and we love being part of the RCS Family, my daughter is a proud Eagle!

You might hear different opinions from different people, but my family loves Jackson County and we are so proud to call Pascagoula home. Here we get to work every day, make a good living, and also have the tranquility, peace, and quietness that we seek. I can honestly say that I would not be surprised if this is also the county where we will retire.

From the entire Rovira Team Family, thank you Jackson County for making Rovira Team Realty a success!


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