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Bethesda Free Health Care Clinic is a non-profit organization that offers basic primary medical care, critical dental care, diabetes and hypertension lifestyle management, and breast cancer exams. The clinic is located at 6912 N. Washington Avenue, Ocean Springs, MS 39564. Days and hours of operation are Monday through Thursday from 9:00 A.M. – 12:00 P.M. and 12:30 P.M. – 4:00 P.M. The clinic operates on a first-come, first-served basis. As we never know how many people will be requesting service on any given day, patients needing to be treated should be at the clinic at either 9:00 A.M. or 12:30 P.M. for the best opportunity to be seen. We do require that all patients bring any medications that they are currently taking and their next doctor appointment card showing the date and time.

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Services are absolutely free of charge to patients of Bethesda. Since opening its doors in 2011, Bethesda Free Health Clinic has provided services to over 14,000 patients. Those seeking services are primarily the uninsured and under-insured of the Mississippi Gulf Coast. All of our funding derives from members of the community, both in the form of monetary contributions and in services donated by medical, dental and support staff. We do not receive any state or federal government monies.

Those wishing to help Bethesda Free Health Clinic may do so in many ways. The clinic is always seeking monetary funding to cover operational costs. Volunteers on both the medical and administrative sides of the clinic are needed as well. We also accept donations of items such as paper towels, disinfectant spray cleaners and wipes, toilet paper, and office supplies and equipment. For a full list of all items needed at the clinic, or for further information on how members of the public can help, please call Bethesda Free Health Clinic at 228-818-9191.


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