As we approach Mother’s Day, it’s common to reflect on our mothers and how they have influenced our lives, both as children and, if we’re lucky, as adults.

Mothers have a lot of sayings, don’t they? Between terms of endearment, words of wisdom, and your full name being said with “the look,” we all have phrases that remind us of our Moms.

“Mama used to say” is a ubiquitous phrase, likely because mamas often have a lot to share.

Even better, a Mississippi mama is more likely to present these sayings with an extra side of spunk, sass, and sometimes biscuits.

Here are some of The Top 10 Phrases Mississippi’s Mamas Say:

1. I love you, a bushel and a peck, and a hug around the neck.

2. I’m fix’in to get you!

3. I think you mean yes, ma’am.

4. It’ll all come out in the wash.

5. Don’t be ugly!

6. Don’t count your chickens before they hatch.

7. Stand up for your beliefs, even if you stand alone.

8. Bless your heart!

9. Well, isn’t that special?

10. Be a blessing today.

Happy Mother’s Day to all of the Mama’s out there! A mother’s love is endless, and her influence (and words) span generations.

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