They say “Don’t put all your eggs in one basket,” but does this saying apply to deviled eggs, too? You may think so after reading this article. 

Deviled eggs are a fan favorite, no matter what the event is. But have you heard of Thanksgiving deviled eggs? Yes, you read that right. Deviled eggs with a Thanksgiving spin. Sumrall native Tiffany Murry definitely has. Not only does Murry make the most delicious version of these deviled eggs, but she has been so gracious to share her secret recipe with us. 

About Murry

Murry has a wonderful husband and a beautiful daughter. In addition to this, she is a dog mom of three (two Boston Terriers and one Anatolian Shepherd) and a dog grandmother of one Black Labrador. Murry enjoys cooking and creating new recipes. 

Murry describes Thanksgiving deviled eggs as sounding “odd but delicious.” She says that you can use your usual deviled egg recipe with the hard yolks, mayonnaise, and various seasonings.

“I use mayo, mustard, salt, pepper, garlic powder, and paprika. All ingredients are made to taste,” Murry said, recommending you leave the relish out. Keep reading to see the recipe below!


  • 1 dozen eggs 
  • 1 cup of mayonnaise 
  • Mustard
  • Paprika 
  • Garlic powder 
  • Salt 
  • Pepper 
  • Tony’s seasoning
  • Jiffy cornbread mix 
  • 1 large can of cream of chicken 
  • 16 oz of sour cream 
  • Green onions 
  • 1 stick of butter (cut up)
  • 3 bags of frozen zucchini and squash 

Remember all seasonings are to taste, according to Murry


  1. Boil eggs until al dente. 
  2. Use instructions on the Jiffy box for cooking cornbread.  
  3. While the cornbread is cooking, peel the eggs, let cool, and slice in half. 
  4. Cook zucchini and squash until tender and cooked thoroughly. 
  5. Cut up green onions. 
  6. Combine egg yolk, mayonnaise, mustard, and seasonings along with the zucchini, and squash in a large bowl. 
  7. Add green onions and butter along with sour cream and cream of chicken. 
  8. Add cooled cornbread, egg yolks, seasonings, zucchini, squash, green onions, butter, sour cream, and cream of chicken to a sprayed or buttered aluminum pan. 
  9. Cook at 375 degrees for about 30 minutes. Then, check with a toothpick. If it’s still runny, cook runny until your toothpick comes out clean. 
  10. Once it is finished, remove from oven and let cool. 
  11. Once this is cooled, assemble the eggs. 
  12. Scoop out the casserole mixture and add on top of deviled eggs. 
  13. Top with cranberry sauce (Murry likes to use the jellied cranberry sauce) 
  14. Serve. 

There you have it— a delicious and unique spin on the traditional deviled eggs recipe. Do you plan on making this yummy Thanksgiving deviled eggs recipe this year? Let us know on Our Mississippi Home’s Facebook page!

Allyson Alford is a native of Foxworth, MS. She completed her B.A. in English with a minor in Theater Arts at the University of Mississippi. Allyson is a proud Mississippian who is passionate about writing and literature. She loves blueberries and cheese pizza and aspires to learn how to knit.

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