Springtime is right around the corner! With that, comes the promise of time spent outdoors. When I was an avid runner, this was my favorite time of the year. Not too hot yet but the freezing mornings start to warm a bit. You find yourself in a nice medium temperature perfect for a great run or even a bike ride. We have a lot of great options for getting outside and going for a run or bike ride. Some that come to mind are:

  • The beach. Getting up earlier than the sun and setting out on a run so you can witness the day start and watch the sun rise over the water while you run is magnificent and worth the early alarm clock.
  • The Biloxi Bay Bridge is a good choice with an added hill challenge and the water views. Keep your eyes peeled for dolphins playing in the sound (I have been lucky many times and seen them playing in our waters).
  • Desoto trail is another winner for a peaceful quiet run, with the challenge of navigating roots occasionally.
  • Wire Road in Wiggins is one I have run several times with friends and the country scenery never fails to disappoint. This is also a great place to train for hill intervals.

An outing for a run or a bike ride is great this time of the year, but for my 2022, I have my sights set on a race. I am looking towards a 36-mile bike race in April called the Farm to the Fork. This will be my first time participating in this event and am looking forward to the challenge. I discovered a love for racing in 2010 when I ran my first 5K and have since run many races. The excitement and overall energy of everyone on race day is something everyone should experience for themselves. I have several races that are some of my local favorites that I recommend you try this year.

In no way is this an exhaustive list of places to run or races in our immediate area. Use these lists as some starting suggestions to find some of your own favorites. I would love to hear about them. Leave a comment on Facebook or below and let me know your favorite running spots.

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