The Mississippi Municipal Service Company will be hosting their 7th annual Fun Run and Walk on Wednesday, July 26.

Individuals and Group participants from around Mississippi rise and shine early to get their juices flowing and start their day off with exercise. 

The race will start at 6:30 AM on the Ocean Springs side of the Biloxi Bridge. Participants may walk or run the bridge for $20.

The MMSC sponsors this event every year to raise money for the local Mississippi municipalities and its annual conference. The conference focuses on teaching programs that promote healthy municipalities.

If you haven’t already registered for the race, then you have until 2:00 PM today to do so. Participants can register at the Convention Center at booth # 1100. Your $20 registration fee includes: a bag, armband, keychain and t-shirt.

Parents may register children, so families are encouraged to come out and participate.

After the race is completed, various awards will be presented for top male and female runners. Additionally, the largest running group receives a plaque and a group photo.

The MMSC is expected to see a large crowd of over 100 participants. The event is rain or shine.

For more information: contact The Mississippi Municipal Service Company at 800-898-1032.

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