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With help from volunteers from Chevron Pascagoula Refinery and the Audubon Master Naturalists, 15o students from Magnolia Middle School in Moss Point got an early Earth Day celebration at the Pascagoula River Audubon Center

In preparation for the MST2, 8th graders from Magnolia Middle School spent April 13 at the Audubon Center.

“This is one of the ways to help support them, encourage them, help them review but also for them to have a lot of fun,” said Erin Parker, Programs Manager at the center.

Six different stations were set up for the students to rotate through to see how what they are learning in their science classes can apply to real life.

“Today the kids are doing things like testing the water quality at Rhodes Bayou, which runs right behind the center and continues back to Magnolia Middle School, so the kids know it,” Parker explained. “We have a meteorology and weather station where they are looking at patterns in hurricane formation and doing a lot of data and graphing today. There is a stations, so they’re learning a bit about astronomy and the tilt of the earth and what causes seasons. There is a station about native plants and pollinators, and they’re looking at animal adaptations and how plants and animals have evolved to sort of be collaborators. There is a station where they are looking at bird beak adaptations. The model organism they are using are little brown beans in a field, and it’s really hard for some beak adaptations that they’re using to capture enough food to survive. They have a final station where they are learning about trophic levels and we’re using all kinds of organisms from the bayou.”

The Audubon Center offers field trip programs for students of all ages, and it is extremely easy to book a visit. For many students, hand-on learning with real-world applications makes the lesson more memorable. Parker noticed an energy in the visiting 8th graders.

“They’re high energy and seem to be having fun, and the teaching staff is great that came with them over from Magnolia,” she said.

To book a field trip to the Audubon Center, visit the website for details.



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