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Downtown Moss Point was bustling with activity May 6 with the annual Moss Point River Jamboree.

Saturday’s Jamboree was unique compared to years past because it also doubled as the city’s celebration of Mississippi’s bicentennial. Everyone from all across the coast was welcome thanks to sponsors like Chevron and Ingalls Shipbuilding, who helped make the event free.

Set along the bank of the Escatawpa River in the J. Chester Parks Riverfront Park, attendees of all ages found something to enjoy under the Mississippi May sun. The weather was perfect because the sun was shining, but a gentle breeze coming off the water kept everyone cool and able to stay out for hours to enjoy the event.

Eclectic music styles, from blues to gospel to country, but all befitting The River City, filled the air as attendees visited various vendors. The smells of barbecued and smoked meets wafted through the tents. The voice of a man befitting an auctioneer advertised refreshing Blue Bell ice cream and fresh-squeezed lemonade as ears of sweet corn sizzled on the grill. Local vendors even had custom jewelry pieces and unique clothing items perfect for updating a wardrobe for springtime.  

Even the kids had plenty of opportunities to stay entertained. A Kid’s Zone offered a bounce house, inflatable obstacle course and even a giant slide that could be seen from miles away. Children and their parents could also take an off-the-tracks train ride past the stage and through the park. And of course, an event along the Escatawpa River wouldn’t be complete without kayak rentals to enjoy the beauty of the Jackson County water.

Anyone unfamiliar with Moss Point definitely should have been at the River Jamboree, because even after taking a quick walk around the park, it was easy to see that this event was a showcase of all of the best things about The River City. 


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