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The MGCCC Jackson County Campus Fine Arts Gallery is proud to announce the opening of the exhibit “Seasons” by Mississippi artist Terry Cherry.  The exhibit opened to the public on January 11 and will run until February 22.  An opening reception will be held on Thursday, February 1 at 12:15PM.

Cherry, a native of Lubbock, Texas, received his education at East Mississippi Community College, Mississippi State University, and Mississippi College.  He is one of the Southeast’s premiere watercolor painters.  An accomplished workshop instructor, demonstrator, lecturer, and juror, Terry currently teaches at East Mississippi Community College.

A signature member and two-time president of the Mississippi Watercolor Society, Cherry has had his work featured in one-man shows, group exhibitions, competitions, and outdoor festivals throughout the country, he has exhibited in such varied venues as Watercolor USA, the Mississippi Watercolor Society Grand National, the Texas Watercolor Society, Terrance Gallery (New York, NY), Arts in the Park (Meridian), the MMA Bi-State, Watercolor Southeast, the Southern Watercolor Society Annual Juried Competition. He received the John Gaddis Award in 1993, Mississippi Museum Purchase Award in 1992, and the Mary Jane Whittington Award 1989 in the Mississippi Watercolor Society’s Grand National. He has also received the Ashland Oil Company Award from the Kentucky Watercolor Society’s “Aqueous” Annual Juried Competition.  His work has been selected for the touring exhibitions of the Texas, Georgia, and Kentucky Watercolor Societies. 

“Art has the ability to inhabit the spirit of all of us. Why else do we desire to make it or possess it?  Art moves us or it’s not art,” Cherry said. “Lately I have tried to embrace the eclecticism that has always gone on in my imagination.  Over the years, I have worked in several different media and approaches to making art, but have usually just shown one or two at most.  I strive for unity in each individual piece, but am not as concerned about how they relate to each other.  It is my hope that because I am the one doing them that there will be unity there. “

The MGCCC Fine Arts Gallery hours are 9 a.m. -3 p.m., Monday-Friday. For more information, contact Marc Poole at 228-497-7684 or marc.poole@mgccc.edu.


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