As you enter the downtown area of Plantersville, Mississippi, you will notice a charming, local grocery store. This store stands out with inviting cafe lights on the front porch and a sign that reads “Better Buy.” Better Buy is a discount grocery and variety store known for its discounted grocery prices and unparalleled hospitality, making it a favorite among locals.

Reed and Paula Aldridge, the current owners of Better Buy, have a unique bond with the store. Their journey with Better Buy began long before they took over in 2021. Reed and Paula have deep roots in Lee County, with Paula even working at Better Buy during high school and nursing school days.

“Reed used to come to the store and buy Skittles and other random things just to come in and see me while I was working here in college, “Paula said. Reed laughed and agreed with his wife’s statement.

When Paula and Reed married, they were busy working in their respective careers. Paula was a registered nurse, and Reed worked in sales. They dreamed of doing something together one day but didn’t know when or if that would happen.

“We knew we wanted to do something on our own, but at the time, we were busy in our careers and starting a family,” Reed shared. Then, in 2021, the original owners of Better Buy, Donna and Tommy Crane, mentioned they were considering selling the place. I talked with my wife, and we decided to purchase the business. We’ve had it for three years and never looked back.”

The Aldridge Family

Reed was diagnosed with colon cancer in 2020, just one year before purchasing Better Buy.

“You know, having cancer and having to go through surgery and chemotherapy really changes your perspective on life and what’s most important. Sure, we’ve taken some pay cuts, but we get to do more with our kids and be more involved with our community. We’ve always wanted to do this, and when the opportunity presented itself, we went for it,” Reed shared.

The Better Buy business has been around for nearly twenty years, and the building has served the Plantersville community for much longer and in several ways, including a post office, hardware store, and a deli.

Since 2021, Reed, Paula, and their two children have revamped the whole store, creating a warm and welcoming environment for all of their customers and offering discounted groceries, which has been more helpful than ever as inflation has caused grocery prices to soar.

“COVID changed things, and inflation has changed things, but you just have to pivot, and that’s what we’ve done here,” Reed said.

Better Buy offers terrific deals on salvage groceries, which means if a can has a dent, or there is an imperfection, they sell it at half price.

“We want people to know that Better Buy sells half salvage and half perfect groceries. We also sell the same frozen foods that restaurants buy to cook, but we sell them at retail prices,” Paula shared.

The Aldridges also partner with local farmers, such as Tate Farms, to sell fresh produce, such as fruits, vegetables, and eggs. They also sell local honey and other homemade items, such as earrings, that local patrons have made.

A Better Buy favorite is their hoop cheese.

“People like to come in for hoop cheese, crackers, and a glass-bottled Coke,” Paula shared. Further proving  that Better Buy offers more than discounted groceries; it also provides its customers a nostalgic experience and a sense of community.

When customers walk into Better Buy, they are greeted with a smile, typically by name, too. If the Aldridges don’t know your name yet, they will. This hometown grocery store has received tremendous local support, and rightfully so. As Paula shared, “Our customers are like family.”

From discount prices to clean and organized aisles, the discount grocery store live up to its name, “Better Buy,” while offering the best experience.

“We love this place. This is something we have always wanted to do,” Reed shared.

And it shows.

Follow Better Buy on their Facebook page for weekly specials and deals.

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