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If you love music, then the 8th Annual Mississippi Songwriters Festival was for you.  A festive crowd joined in to see new local and regional talents singing their original songs across Ocean Springs for the weekend long 2017 event.  Notable acts Sugarcane Jane and Grayson Capps brought their powerful songwriting styles to the stage, along with so many new local musicians.  Nearly one hundred performers played the festival Sept 14 – 17.

The songs were about the state of Mississippi, the Gulf Coast, and just life in general.  This festival was a chance to see local musicians who you may not see all year, new talents trying out new songs, as well as award winning recording artists from Nashville playing their hits that have been recorded and have reached the music charts.  Local songwriter Eddie Miller was there and performed his heartwarming song about the state, “Mississippi”.

Ocean Springs hosts the music event coordinated by George Cumbest and Darwin Nelson.  Organizing a music event with over a half dozen stages of live music is not easy, but the event went off without missing a beat.  A fun crowd delighted in the great sounds all weekend.

Delta State University was represented by Professor Tricia Walker and Senior Carrie Lynn Stanford.  They both offered wonderful songs about life in their own style.  Hope to see y’all next year for this free “no cover charge” family festival.

Carrie Lynn Stanford performs at the Finale of 8th Annual MS Songwriters Festival.


A resident of Ocean Springs, John is passionate about art, music, and entertainment. A writer, filmmaker and an at home chef. Enjoy more gulf coast entertainment and stories at my Youtube page @GulfCoast. Be happy!

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