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Eighteenth birthdays are one of the most important birthdays to experience, and Friday the Grand Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve celebrated its 18th birthday.

Established as a reserved on June 16, 1999, the Grand Bay NERR has spent nearly two decades researching and educating others about the unique environment in Jackson County.

“We do a lot of big community events, so we wanted to have this event to hype up the importance of the reserve here in the community,” said Education Coordinator Avery Sward. “Every single person who works here at the reserve is working on this event, so we have all come together to have such a big event with crafts and games and tours.”

The birthday bash offered fun for visitors of all ages, from environmentally-friendly crafts to exploring what the reserve had to offer.

“Today we are doing guided trail tours every half hour right by the entrance,” Sward said. “You can go down the trail with different scientists to learn more about the plants and animals in the area. We have a gentleman set up on a couple tables with artifacts to talk about the history and culture of the Grand Bay NERR and the civilizations that have lived on this land. We have games set up and eco-friendly crafts making bird feeders and leaf-print birthday cards. We also have a small science room with an opportunity to see things through a microscope, the small side of science.”

Anyone who might have missed the festivities didn’t miss a chance to explore the reserve. Anyone wishing to explore Grand Bay NERR can stop by and experience a tour, staff permitting. 

For more information about the reserve, visit their website.


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