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The East Central Men’s Club was formed in 2012 by a group of approximately 15 men in the East Central area of Jackson County as a way to bring local men together to improve the community through service and financial contributions. Since its inception, the ECMC has given back more than $50,000 to the community.

According to Eddie Anderson, current president of the club, one of the charter members, Lamar Gordon, had received help from the community during a time of need, and he wanted to use the club to return the favor.

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“Our main purpose in this club is to give back all of the funds that we raise to those in need and the children of our community,” Anderson said.

The club’s primary fundraising events include a drawdown in March and a golf tournament in September.

“These have become popular events in our community that help to raise much-needed funds and to provide a great time for all the participants,” Anderson said. “Our fundraising goes far and wide in our community.”

Through this fundraising, the club is able to provide four scholarships to graduates from East Central High School each year as well as adopt up to five families during the holidays to shop and buy gifts for. Anderson said they also provide financial assistance on a monthly and emergency basis to those who may have a loss in the family or an illness.

Club members also provide service at a variety of annual events including cooking for the Sheriff’s Rodeo in Vancleave in May, cooking for the Law Enforcement Appreciation Dinner, and hosting a Veteran’s Day recognition dinner in November, which Anderson said has grown into a “great tribute to our local veterans.” The group also provides physical labor for those in need.

“We are constantly in touch with the needs of the community,” he said.

The East Central Men’s Club currently has 20 active members and meets once a month to discuss opportunities. They occasionally have speakers as well.


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