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Ocean Springs offers a variety of restaurants, and now diners have the opportunity to be rewarded for eating out thanks to the Ocean Springs Culinary Passport. 

The concept is simple: pick up a passport at the Ocean Springs Chamber of Commerce. Spend $10 on food and drink at a participating Ocean Springs eatery (marked with a window decal) to get your passport stamped. After collecting 10 stamps from 10 different participating establishments, drop off or mail the passport to the Ocean Springs Chamber of Commerce to receive a free gift and be entered for a prize.

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“This is the first time to provide a culinary passport in Ocean Springs,” said Cynthia Sutton, executive director of the Ocean Springs Chamber of Commerce. “I have been part of other passport programs from the Heritage Trust stamp to the National Park service passport stamp, so it helped to give me the idea for something similar to showcase and continually promote and publicize our local restaurants and nightlife venues in Ocean Springs.”

The current passports are valid for an entire year, allowing anyone to participate in the program, from a family is stopping in for a vacation and need to know where to eat to an Ocean Springs resident who has trouble deciding what to have for dinner.

“It is a great way to get more exposure and publicity for their individual businesses,” Sutton said. “If locals and travelers know they are going to be rewarded, then it incentivizes folks to eat with us in Ocean Springs. Also, it is a fun tool to get out and challenge yourself to complete the project.”

Participants are also able to share their dining experiences on social media through #osculinarypassport, allowing the perfect opportunity to discover the diverse range of culinary experiences Ocean Springs has to offer.

For more information about participating restaurants, visit the Culinary Passport website.


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