If there’s one thing about Mississippi, it’s the heat. It’s the hot, humid, sweltering heat. It can get quite uncomfortable, but it does make us thankful that we do have air conditioning. When it’s hot outside, the last thing we want to eat is hot and heavy foods because they make us even hotter. For example, I don’t want to eat hot soup in June. So, what are the best foods to eat when it’s super hot outside?

Best Foods to Eat When It’s Hot


Obviously, water is going to be important when it’s hot, as it keeps us hydrated. But, cold water does help cool us down. Typically, we should be drinking 6-8 glasses of water a day. However, when it’s hot outside and when we sweat, we need to be drinking more water. Of course, the amount you need depends on your circumstances and activity level.


Watermelon has a high fluid content, and it can also help hydrate us. Interestingly enough, watermelon is made up of 94% water, lycopene, potassium, as well as other nutrients. Watermelon is also high in fiber, so this, along with the aforementioned benefits, makes it a great food to turn to during the summer months!

Ice Cream

Who doesn’t love ice cream when it’s freaking hot outside! While it doesn’t offer much in the way of nutritional value, it’s enjoyable to eat when the weather has you sweating and potentially even uncomfortable.


This vegetable contains about 95% water, which, of course, helps hydrate us in the summer. In addition, there are only 16 calories in a cup of cucumbers, and you also get some nutrients such as vitamin C, potassium, and fiber. Cucumbers can also help cool sunburns (Cunha, n.d.). Cucumbers go great in salads and even some drinks, so if you’d like some ideas, here are some delicious cucumber recipes.


This vegetable also is approximately 95% water, and it doesn’t have a lot of calories. It also contains some nutrients and fibers. You can put it soups, salads, or even eat as a snack with some greek yogurt.

Romaine Lettuce

This vegetable also contains a lot of water, which makes it very hydrating. Romaine lettuce offers more nutritional benefits than iceberg lettuce as it is a darker leaf, and darker vegetables contain more nutrients. This vegetable also contains vitamin C and K, as well as some fiber. You can use this awesome vegetable in salads. If you need inspiration, check out these recipes: Best Romaine Salad Recipes.


The seeds in berries mean there’s a lot of fiber in them. They are also low in sugar and calories. These can be eaten by themselves or in yogurt and smoothies, not to mention salads.


There’s one summer staple that is always good to eat: Popsicles. They can help cool your body and are fun to eat! I love popsicles during the summer, and I love trying homemade recipes.

Frozen Grapes

Toss some grapes in the freezer for a cold and refreshing snack.


These have the highest levels of monosaturated fatty acids, which means that they can remove heat and toxins from the blood. It also doesn’t take much to digest them, so your body doesn’t have to create as much heat as it might with other foods.

Final Thoughts on Best Foods for Hot Weather

I hope these foods help you cool down this summer! However, if you’re looking for some light summer recipes to keep you cool, check these out: Summer dinner recipes.


Cunha, J. (n.d). 30 sunburn natural and home remedies for severe sunburns. Retrieved from https://www.medicinenet.com/natural_home_remedies_for_sunburn_treatment/article.htm.

I am married, and I also have a 4-year-old daughter. I earned my Ph.D. in Experimental Psychology from the University of Southern Mississippi, and I have been teaching psychology classes over the past 10 years. As a professor and as a parent, I grew to love learning anything about child development. I recently turned that into a passion for helping other parents by starting my own blog at http://www.nurturingtamra.com.

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