An action-packed buddy movie loaded with intriguing twists and fascinating turns that revolve around a reluctant friendship is currently being filmed in Gulfport and you could be an extra cast member on the set.

Morgan Casting has been tasked with recruiting stylish extras for the SAG-AFTRA action/buddy movie, “The Bounty Chase,” that’s being filmed in and around the Gulfport areas through Dec. 4.

The top-secret plot surrounds a bounty-hunting story. Details about the movie are tight-lipped, but the film does call for extra actors ages 21 to 40ish to portray various prison guards, shady outlaw poker players, rival bounty hunters, a dive-bar owner, hefty club bouncers, and spunky waitresses, a state highway patrol officer, fancy hotel concierges, and numerous law enforcement and medical professionals.

A handful of featured actors could be cast as a bartender and poker dealers so the company is asking for actors with those professional experiences. Other selected background players will be filmed as they line up to get into a town hotspot, and then will be seen inside enjoying a party.

Some of these parts might have been cast already, but you can reach out to Morgan Casting at for consideration. Potential extras must present a valid photo ID and proof of a negative COVID test taken within 48 hours of coming to the set. They also need to send a head and shoulders photo as well as a full-length photo along with their name, city and state of residence, cell number and height. The pay is $100 for up to eight hours, and the extras who are chosen will be paid by check on set at the end of the day.

Morgan Casting has become a regular fixture on the Gulf Coast and in Mississippi. The casting company has offices based in Canton and New Orleans and frequently has casting calls for both Mississippi and Louisiana. There are about 20 offices total scattered throughout the U.S. and Canada and are always looking for extra cast members.

The company recently had extra casting calls for movies such as “A New Orleans Noel” that was filmed in Natchez and New Orleans. It stars Keshia Knight Pulliam and Brad James and premiers Saturday, Dec. 3 on the Lifetime channel.

The company also cast colorful extras and background players for “The Minute You Wake Up Dead” that is a whodunit mystery and adventure movie that was filmed in Canton. It stars Morgan Freeman, Cole Hauser, and Jaimie Alexander and began streaming in mid-November.

Cherie Ward is an award-winning Mississippi Gulf Coast journalist with decades of experience in writing and photography. Connect with her by email at with story ideas or find her @cherieward on Instagram. She would love to hear from you.

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