Mississippi summers will always be accompanied with heat nearly as hot as fire itself, and this is no exaggeration. Walking hand-in-hand with the heat is its best friend called humidity, making the air muggy and almost viscous enough to reach up into the atmosphere and grab. Year after year, each summer in Mississippi seems to surpass its previous heat index. With many of our citizens working outside or spending more time in the sun, finding ways to beat the heat (and not letting it beat us) is top priority. Here are five tips that’ll help you stay safe while being in the heat this summer. 

Stay Hydrated 

Water is the best way to stay hydrated and to beat the heat this summer. If you want to add some variety to your water, try adding fruits such as lemon, lime, and berries to your usual glass of water. Another option is to add flavored electrolytes that also help boost hydration. Gatorade and Poweraid are also great options even though there are mixed studies on them. If you’d like to stay on the sugar free side, each of these beverages offer sugar free options! 

I also want to note that if you have kidney, liver, or heart disease or if you have seizure disorders, you may want to consult your physician before making any drastic changes to your fluid intake. 

Be Mindful of Your Clothing

Did you know that certain fabrics can trap heat, making it harder to keep cool? Fabrics like suede and wool will make it harder to resist the heat this summer. Instead, try opting for fabrics like linen, cotton, bamboo, and the southerner’s favorite fabric— seersucker to ensure you’re not stuck overheating this summer. 

Know Your Health

Did you know that certain health conditions make you more prone to difficulties amidst the heat? Taking Mississippi’s sweltering weather into consideration, it is imperative that you prioritize any health issues you have. You also want to be mindful of symptoms of hyperthermia (blurred vision, headache, fatigue, dizziness, etc.), which can happen to anyone when their body temperature rises too high, but especially to those who already have underlying health problems.

Light Bulbs Off, Natural Lights On

We all may enjoy turning the lights on while lounging around the house; however, lights emit heat. Since the sun sets later in the evening, try to avoid using your lights (unless necessary) , and take advantage of the beautiful, natural light! Plus, natural light simply makes your home look peaceful. 

Wear Sunscreen 

Sunscreen is a necessity— especially if you’re going to be in the sun for a while. Whether you wear a chemical sunscreen or if you prefer a physical one, my best advice is to find one that works for your skin and wear it. The recommended SPF is SPF 30. This is an easy way to beat that summer heat! 

Fun in the Sun

In short, have a great time this summer, and don’t fret. Mississippi holds some of the most amazing summers ever. However, remember: safety first. By following these tips, you’ll be able to fully enjoy your summer without a hitch (or a sunburn).

Allyson Alford is a native of Foxworth, MS. She completed her B.A. in English with a minor in Theater Arts at the University of Mississippi. Allyson is a proud Mississippian who is passionate about writing and literature. She loves blueberries and cheese pizza and aspires to learn how to knit.

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