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OCEAN SPRINGS–When Greg Arnold moved his online Christian men’s ministry from blog to mobile app in 2016, he had modest hopes for its success.

“It took a year to get the first 5,000 registered users, which is what I was shooting for,” Arnold said. “I thought I had hit the moon when I got to 5,000.”

Fast forward a year and a half later, and the Live Bold application has been downloaded more than 30,000 times from the iOS and Android app stores by users in 163 countries. Of those downloads, about half are registered users. In both app stores, it has climbed its way to the number one spot in the search results for Christian Men’s apps, and it consistently remains in the top five apps in the search results for Christian apps in general.

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The Live Bold app offers daily devotions with the option to add comments and interact with other users, articles for Christian men categorized by topic, forums for sharing prayer requests, and options to search for local Bible studies. Paid subscribers receive access to more study tools and other enhanced features.

The Ocean Springs resident started Live Bold Ministries a decade ago as a blog where he spoke to Christian men about their unique struggles and called on them to deepen their faith in God.  

“Over time, that developed more into a relationship with the readers, and I started listening to what the readers were asking for,” Arnold said.

Arnold continually adjusted the website format, the writing style and the ministry offerings to suit his readership. About two years ago, he noticed the website statistics showed a major shift from desktop to mobile, so he spent the next six months developing an application to transfer the ministry primarily to a mobile platform.

“I launched it quietly, and the traction became immediate,” Arnold said.

For Arnold, the numbers are fun to crunch, but they aren’t the measure of his success. Sure, he admits he hopes to see the app reach the coveted 100,000 downloads, but it’s much more gratifying for him to see men connecting with one another and growing in their faith.


“My lane, my call, has been to help a man get out of the ditch, stay on the track and make some positive gains in his life—through God and through Christ,” Arnold said.

iOS: httpss://loom.ly/xaHMeUo 
Android: httpss://loom.ly/etq4d_Y


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