Mississippi has long had a thriving running community. On any given Saturday, you can find a 5K to a marathon somewhere in the state. Several formal and informal running groups meet throughout the state to walk, run, and fellowship. However, for athletes looking to step out and try swimming in open water, cycling, or a triathlon, the formal support is few and far between, but that is changing. Mississippi finally has a designated club for those looking to swim, bike, and run for sport or general wellness. 

MS Triathlon Club was founded in January 2024. After previous clubs disappeared, a few athletes were always left in a parking lot wishing they had a social group back! After enough wishing, those athletes decided to make it happen, and MS Triathlon Club was born. 

“It came together sitting on the back of a tailgate after finishing a run,” shared Donavon Lewis, a long-time triathlete and current board member for the Mississippi Triathlon Club. “A few athletes and I reminisced about the days of being able to do triathlons with friends and feeling like there was a community to share it with. We miss that, so we decided to do something about it.” 

While having a social media presence is essential, Lewis and his friends wanted to go the extra mile and have a formal club. 

“Back 10-15 years ago, all you had were Facebook pages,” shared Lewis. “This time, we decided to do it right. Along with the social media and website, we formed a not-for-profit organization dedicated to growing the sport. Our board members have skill sets ranging from IT, medical, and legal to help our members and grow triathlons in Mississippi.” 

A triathlon is a multisport endurance event consisting of a swim, a bike ride, and a run. There is a wide range of triathlon distances. Beginners often start with a short-distance super sprint triathlon, with the swim in a swimming pool, so you don’t have to worry about open water. But there are plenty of longer-distance triathlon races to choose from, too, including the legendary Ironman distance.

An Ironman is considered the ultimate test of physical endurance. It consists of a 2.4-mile swim, followed by a 112-mile bike ride, and is only completed at the end of a 26.2-mile run.

There are various forms of multisport events, including duathlon (run-bike-run), aquathlon (swim-run), and aqua bike (swim-bike). But a classic triathlon is a swim, a cycle, and a run—in that specific order.

“The goal is simple: To provide training activities, mutual support, friendly competition, experience, and camaraderie for all our athletes as well as having a social side for the club members,” shared Lewis. “And as of July 2024, we are 200+ Facebook group members strong and gaining actual club members weekly.” 

You don’t have to be a member of the MS Triathlon Club to pick the sport or join their Facebook page. Member benefits include educational events, discounts, access to training, and member-only privileges that will grow as the club grows. And if you’re wondering where the next triathlon, duathlon, or endurance event is in Mississippi, you can find it free of charge on their website, too. 

“We want this club to be for anyone and everyone curious about the sport,” explained Lewis. “We hope that everyone can learn and grow in this sport together. Those who have been in it for a while can help mentor and encourage true beginners. There is so much this sport teaches you that transcends the events into the rest of your life. And we want everyone to experience that.” 

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