You may have your set of Thanksgiving traditions that you do each year. Watching football during Thanksgiving may be one of those (as it is in ours!), or you may love cooking together as a family. However, there may be something exciting about trying a new tradition this year. Given how the year 2020 has been for many, new traditions may also give you something “fresh, new, and positive” to this year. Thus, I have created a list of traditions that might enjoy with your family for Thanksgiving! There are also some virtual Thanksgiving ideas, given this year has been full of zoom and other virtual events.

Thanksgiving Tradition Ideas

1.A tablecloth that everyone who visits writes on.

I believe I saw this tradition posted on Facebook some time ago. You get a tablecloth that can be written on and whoever comes to Thanksgiving that year can write their name on it, and you can keep adding to it year after year.

2.Try a new Thanksgiving dessert/dish.

Personally, I’m a fan of pecan pie, and once I started making it, it became a new tradition for us. Try these out: Thanksgiving Dessert Ideas and Recipes

3.You can play Thanksgiving trivia (even virtually).

Here’s a good site to help you plan: Zoom Thanksgiving Trivia

4.Try some seasonal drinks

For example, you can try pumpkin spice latte, apple cider, or mulled apple cider. My favorite mulled apple cider recipe is here: Mulled Apple Cider

5.Engage in a food photography contest

You and your friends/family can take pictures of the meal, and vote on who has the best photo!

6.Watch the Macy’s Thanksgiving parade

We used to do this a lot as a family, and there were definitely some fun floats to see!

7.Take a nap after eating your feast.

8.Reflect and talk about the year

Consider the year we all have had, it may be good to talk about what has happened month-by-month and discuss or even just write your feelings about it. It’s definitely a year for the history books. Then, you might focus on what you are thankful for even this year.

9.Consider putting the Christmas tree up on Thanksgiving or the day after.

I know, I know. But, this may be something you could enjoy doing together as a family and start getting in the Christmas spirit.

10.Watch Thanksgiving movies

My favorite has got to be a Charlie Brown Thanksgiving. Or if you’re into, watch a Christmas movie together with the family. I personally enjoy Home Alone movies!

home alone

11.Start planning for holiday shopping

I have never tried Black Friday shopping, as I’ve never wanted to brave the crowds. But, this may be something you enjoy doing, so you can begin planning what deals you will be taking advantage of!

Final Thoughts on Thanksgiving Traditions

I hope this time of year brings you and your family together and that much fun can be had by all! These ideas should help give you a good start on it!



I am married, and I also have a 4-year-old daughter. I earned my Ph.D. in Experimental Psychology from the University of Southern Mississippi, and I have been teaching psychology classes over the past 10 years. As a professor and as a parent, I grew to love learning anything about child development. I recently turned that into a passion for helping other parents by starting my own blog at

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