What’s a summer like in Mississippi? What happens in the Magnolia State that lets you know that summer is officially here? Summer is swiftly approaching, there are so many elements, some nostalgic and some current, that remind me that summers in Mississippi are something special. 


The air smells differently this time of year. 

Skin toasted by the sun with tan lines.

Eyes closed while sunlight gently peers through 

While we lay on blankets, outside in the sun. 

Deep breaths inhaling the sweetness of the air

Smelling of banana pudding and barbecues. 

Summer camping and vacation Bible school. 

Late nights and sleeping in a while. 

Having fun on the Mississippi gulf coast. 

Watching the sunset on the beach. 

Sand beneath our bare feet 

And between our toes. 

Driving down the coastal roads. 

Visiting museums in Vicksburg. 

Nights occupied on the square in Oxford. 

Walking, arms interlocked with friends, downtown Hattiesburg. 

Early morning rides to the post office in Foxworth

And back to the snowball stand that evening. 

Parents letting us drive a short distance in the neighborhood. 

Pool parties with friends. 

Months of injuries and fun. 

Sprained ankles and broken arms. 

Fireworks on the 4th of July 

Screech and pop

As our hearts explode with excitement. 

Days spent in the pool

Drops of water beaded on top of our skin. 

Barefooted babies, we were

Bustling into the bushes filled with honeysuckles. 

Did I mention the unwavering heat?

Yes. Burning your thighs on the seat of your vehicle. 

The quick flinch that comes right after. 

Clothes sticking to you after being outside for too long. 

Mosquitos feasting on your arms and legs. 

Smacking your arms and legs to numbness in hopes of squashing the mosquitos. 

Well, you never squash them. 

And they keep flying around. 

And around. And around. 

Welts from their bites 

Swell and go down after a few days

While you scratch and scratch

And scratch some more. 

And you apply rubbing alcohol to your bitten skin

Maybe. Just maybe you’ll remember bug spray next time 

(You usually won’t remember). 


Well, what about you? What reminds you of a Mississippi summer? I asked a few people to share their thoughts. My dearest Danita remarked, “When I think about a summer Mississippi, I think about sitting outside under the shade tree, drinking lemonade, or sweet tea, chilling with the family.” She also thinks it’s hot as… hades. She thinks it’s hot as hades. 

Another pal expressed deep disdain for that sweltering heat here. Hey— cant have the good without the bad, isn’t that right? In her defense, the heat and humidity can make some rats deplorable. 


My dear friend, Autumn Rose, eloquently describes Mississippi summers saying, “Mississippi summers are like no other. Scorching heat & high humidity – almost makes you wonder how something can thrive in an environment like that, but thrive we do. Summer in Mississippi promises the best time. Creek days with friends, passing sunblock & snacks. Watermelon by the pool. Fishing with your grandparents. By night, fireflies buzzing around you, surrounded by bonfire smoke and laughter. You’re not sure if your skin is still wet from swimming all day or if it’s the moisture in the air. Yeah, you complain about the heat & humidity, but when the first cold front comes through in the fall.. you’re ready for another Mississippi summer.” What a beautiful and accurate description of Mississippi summers. 


My great pal Tiffany (who I endearingly call “Tiff”) states, “Summer. Hot. Humid, but at night when there is a slight breeze, you can smell honeysuckles. That’s summer to me. You hear the chirping of the insects while you’re sitting in a rocking chair. It’s so peaceful.

Growing up summer also meant gardening. We would have to get up super early and pick the peas, peppers, and tomatoes. If you waited too late, it would be miserably hot. Then that afternoon you’d be shelling peas. Canning vegetables. Then the other thing? Vacations. My parents always took us on beach trips,camping and I’ve been to Disney world 13 times. Most years we would go to Disney, and those are some of my fondest memories. We thought we were hot stuff when my papa bought a pea sheller. That thing saved hours and hours of time. We would sit on my Grandma’s porch and shell peas. I was also lucky enough we had a pool. It was above ground, and we absolutely loved it.” Mississippi produces the best, most beautiful memories. Tiff’s statements paint such a clear image of Mississippi summers. 

Summers in Mississippi are filled with laughter, fun, and unique experiences that only a Mississippian is able to fully understand and appreciate. What do you think of when you think about summers in Mississippi?

Allyson Alford is a native of Foxworth, MS. She completed her B.A. in English with a minor in Theater Arts at the University of Mississippi. Allyson is a proud Mississippian who is passionate about writing and literature. She loves blueberries and cheese pizza and aspires to learn how to knit.

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