The American Cancer Society is hosting its third annual “Shuck Cancer” event. This party with a purpose will raise funds for local hospitals to use to provide lodging and transportation for cancer patients. 

“Funds are allocated through a grant process. We are hoping to fund grants for Singing River, Gulfport Memorial, and Forrest General Health this year,” Whitney Ott, senior development manager for the American Cancer Society, said. “All of the hospitals are excited about Shuck Cancer. We will do a check presentation at the April event to let the community know how much we gave to the area’s hospitals.”

The main Shuck Cancer event is an elevated cocktail party at Maritime & Seafood Industry Museum in Biloxi on April 27. “We are excited!” Ott shared. “A group of local restaraunts will be sharing seafood and non-seafood cuisine with attendees. It’s going to be a fun evening.”

“Meet the Shuckers,” a Shuck Cancer Premiere Party, will also take place on March 2 at 6 p.m. at White Pillars, and the community can join The Biloxi Shuckers at the “Shuck Cancer” baseball game on April 29. 

“The baseball game will be a really fun time for families to come out and support Shuck Cancer,” Ott said. 

Shuck Cancer began in New Orleans between a local restaurant owner and the American Cancer Society. It was so successful that they began reaching out to other coastal cities as well.

“The community truly supports this. We have a group of leaders here on the coast that have really gotten behind Shuck Cancer,” Ott shared. 

The American Cancer Society is a national organization, but all Shuck Cancer funds stay locally in Mississippi. 

Ingall’s Shipbuilding is the presenting sponsor for the event, and Ott shared that they also have 20-25 ambassadors for Shuck Cancer. With 400-600 attendees for the main event in April, and countless numbers at the baseball game, Shuck Cancer is a great event for an even greater cause. 

Tickets are still available and for anyone looking to get involved with Shuck Cancer, or attend any of the events, they are invited and encouraged to look on the Facebook page or email Ott at

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