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Today marks what would have been Sophia Myers 8th birthday. After a rough eight month battle fighting the onset of DIPG, the Myers family and community continue the fight for more DIPG research and funding. And there’s no better way to have honored the precious girl’s life than by celebrating her and her love for animals. 

The Ocean Springs Lions Club is organizing a Coast-wide pet food and supply drive honoring Sophia Myers birthday.  “All Creatures Big and Small Pet Food and Supply Drive Honoring Sophia Myers” is an answer to the plea of Sophia’s mother, Angel Myers.

“I know I’ve asked a lot of you, but I’m asking just this one more thing,” Angel Myers posted on Facebook. “I need help putting together a food and supply drive for the Jackson County Animal Shelter in her honor.” After her original post, dozens of businesses and residents, who have been following Sophia’s journey, responded to her post asking to be a part of the project. The Ocean Springs Lions Club stepped up to spearhead the drive and pet adoptions.

There are more than a dozen drop off locations in Jackson and Harrison counties, including Ocean Springs City Hall and Gautier City Hall. Donations can include dog and cat food; Clorox bleach; towels; metal bowls; pet treats; nail clippers; dawn dish soap and non-clumping cat litter. An extended wish list for the Shelter can be found at httpss://www.co.jackson.ms.us/departments/animal-shelter/donate.php.

“This drive could not have come at a better time,” said Joe Barlow, Director of the Jackson County Animal Shelter. “We are honored and humbled by how much Sophia supported us.”

The campaign has been running for the past two weeks and will be wrapping up today for Sophia’s birthday. “A u-haul van has already been filled up with tons of donations from the community”, says Leigh Coleman, a representative from Ocean Springs Lions Club. “We hope this will encourage people to donate and adopt more animals from the Jackson County Animal Shelter”, she said. Coleman also stated that they plan to host this event each year in Sophia’s honor. 

Sophia Myers was a student who recently passed away after an eight-month battle with DIPG. She loved animals, and also loved helping the Jackson County Animal Shelter. The pet drive and adoption promotions are being held in honor of her upcoming birthday. A Gold Keepsake Ribbon Collar will be given to every individual who adopts a pet in Sophia’s name.

“Please know how grateful I am for everything. I really am,” said Angel Myers. “I don’t have the right words or enough words, but my heart is right with you loving and appreciating all you have done and are doing.” 

For more information on the drive, visit their Facebook page: httpss://www.facebook.com/oslionsclubpetproject/


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