Why do you want that flat belly? Is it because you trying to look good with no shirt on? Are you just wanting to have that self-confidence when walking into a building? Whatever the reasoning of wanting that sexy body, I have the recipe for you.


  • Dedication
  • Determination
  • Less Stress
  • Healthy Eating
  • Workout
  • Hydration


  1. You have to be dedicated to making this happen. You are not going to be able to wish on a star and wake up the next morning with a flat tummy. You have to be willing to dive in and commit to the process. This is not something that can be done overnight, in a week or even a month. You will start to see results, but that does not mean you get to slack on the process. Stay focused.
  2. If you are not determined to get that sexy stomach, you will fail. You will see the results in a week or two, and then have the mindset of this works for me. Have a true purpose of why you want that body. You have to be willing to think long term. Do you want to see your grandkids grow up?
  3. Less Stress can help with burning that belly fat off. I know you think that having less stress is not a possibility for you. This is not the mindset to have. Find an outlet that allows you to relieve stress. Dedicate your time to do that daily, and be determined not to miss a day of that activity.
  4. The Kitchen is where ABs are made. It is time to step away from the sweats. This will be the hardest part at first. You cannot be putting the bad in the body expecting the great to come out. How dedicated to the flat tummy will you be?
  5. You cannot burn the calories without putting the work in. Even if you do a workout for 10 minutes is better than not doing anything. Everyone has 10 minutes they can spare out of their day. And imagine what could happen if you did that twice a day. Magical things could take place.
  6. Hydrate, Hydrate, Hydrate. This is super important. Put the proper fuel in your body.

In your head you are thinking, I don’t have time to come up with a workout and then do the workout. You might be thinking I don’t have a clue to where to begin to put a workout together. Well, don’t worry anymore. Here is an AB workout that can be done in 10 minutes to get you started.


Each exercise will be performed for 30 seconds each. There will be no rest from the beginning to the end. As soon as the exercise is complete, move into the next exercise.


  • Crunch
  • Crunch with knee tuck
  • Bicycle crunch
  • Toe Reach
  • Reverse crunch
  • Oblique Crunch Right
  • Oblique Crunch Left
  • Knee tucks
  • Bicycle
  • JackKnife
  • Starfish crunch
  • Starfish to jackknife: start with starfish A and end in Jackknife B.
  • Reverse crunch
  • Knee tuck
  • 6 inches: lay flat on your back. Lift your legs 6 inches off the ground and hold.
  • Oblique Crunch right
  • Oblique Crunch left
  • Crunch
  • Mountain Climbers
  • Plank

Don’t wait until tomorrow to start. The best time to start the ball rolling is right now. It is only 10 minutes out of your day. There are no excuses that one can come up with to not have 10 minutes to make a better you.

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