Pascagoula High School’s student council will host a Blood Drive from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m., Friday, Jan. 19, 2018, with check-in at the school’s library.


The blood drive is open to the public, and citizens who wish to donate will be moved to the head of the line. A picture ID is needed to donate blood.


The blood drive is conducted with The Blood Center, which provides scholarship money to the school based on viable pints donated. If the school collects 500 pints (which was done last year) the school will receive $6,000 to give back in scholarship money to students. The school will be able to provide eight $750 scholarships. Three scholarships are given to senior student council members who have participated the most, and five are awarded through a drawing to seniors who have donated at least four times.


Last semester’s blood drive collected netted 243 viable pints, so 257 pints are needed this time in order to meet the goal of 500.


 “We always have a lot of deferrals due to anemia, or sickness or travel out of country. Knowing that upfront, we need to have at least 330 people sign up in order to try to hit 257,” said teacher Elizabeth Bonilla, student council sponsor.


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