In fewer than three weeks the Hattiesburg Zoo welcomes a second zebra foal born in the Africa barn.  Mom, Safara gave birth to a male at 1:03 a.m. on Monday, July 29th.  The foal was up and walking in less than 15 minutes.  Safara is 4 years old and the stallion, Bakari is seven years old.  

Samira, who gave birth on July 14th and her female foal were in the barn when the male zebra was born.  Samira’s foal has been named Jasira by her zoo keepers, which means “bold and brave”.  “Jasira’s name tracks with her personality and behavior,” said Kristen Moore, Director of Animal Care.  “Jasira is wide open on the Veldt, and seemingly has no fear.”

*Photos courtesy of Hattiesburg Zoo

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