Nothing quite lets you know that you are in Mississippi like the gas stations. When you travel out of state and return to Mississippi, the bevy of gas stations you see as you cruise through the rural countryside are one of the most popular, yet gentle, reminders that you’ve made it home. Ultimately, small town gas stations just make sense. What makes the gas stations here so special? Keep reading to see how the gas stations in the Magnolia state are truly the hidden gems of the South.


Do you need gas in your car? Are you hungry? Do you want to see someone who you haven’t seen in years? Look no further than your local gas station in Mississippi. I remember talking to people outside of the state. I would tell them that the hot food served in the gas stations, in Mississippi, is some of the best food you’ll ever eat. I was often met with looks of confusion, disgust, or even blank stares followed by statements like “I would never eat food out of a gas station” or “Why on earth is there hot food in a gas station?” My response is always the same: “Don’t knock it ‘till you try it.”


Every town has one, especially small towns. I am from Foxworth, MS. Our gas station is R&K Pitstop. Well now it’s called “Minit Mart.” However, the same delicious food is served there. The same warmth of locals continues to transcend the name change. Some people also go to what was formerly known as “BP’s” or down the road to “Buck Owens’”. They also continue down highway 586, straight to Darbun, to go to  “Theresa’s”. This reminds me that once a Mississippi town names a gas station, they will forever call it by that name— even if the name changes a thousand times (or if technically, the store is named something else). 


These gas stations are also unique because you are apt to see at least one person you know nearly every time you go. If you’re lucky, you’ll see someone who sees your parents in your eyes and will not hesitate to ask if you’re “so-and-so’s baby.” Oftentimes, a trip to one of our local gas stations ends up being a small social gathering, with another local walking up to you two talking to add their input because they overheard something that piqued their interest. Before you know it, you’ve conversed with three or four people, casually, on a Thursday evening after work or a Saturday morning before running your errands. 


All of these aspects make the gas stations in Mississippi the hidden gems of the South. No matter if you go to a gas station in your home town or one that is miles away, you are still met with the same warmth that seems so intrinsic for Southerners. I think it’s safe to say that our gas stations are the heart of the state (and of the South). What is your town’s gas station called? What’s your favorite dish? What memories are your favorite? Let us know on Our Mississippi Home’s Facebook page. 


Allyson Alford is a native of Foxworth, MS. She completed her B.A. in English with a minor in Theater Arts at the University of Mississippi. Allyson is a proud Mississippian who is passionate about writing and literature. She loves blueberries and cheese pizza and aspires to learn how to knit.

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