You have joined a gym and do not know where to start. There is no true plan of what you will do when you step into the room with the weights. Well take a brain break and use this plan to start that beach body look.

You need to be dedicated to a fitness program. Fitness is like a relationship, you can’t cheat on it and expect it to work. A lot of the time people don’t get in the gym because they don’t feel like they are getting anything out of it when they go. Most of the time this is a true statement due to the fact that they don’t have a plan before they go through those doors. Having a program is like having a game plan for a sport. The team doesn’t just show up and go do you think that these plays will work? NO! There are prep and planning put in place and your health should be done the same way.

A Goal without a plan is only a Dream.

The first thing is first, do not go in trying to be superman or a woman. It doesn’t work like that. You have to work your way up on weight. Do not be afraid to ask people for help. If you do not understand or know how to do something, find someone, and use them as your contact.


A1 Kneeling MB Chest Throw 3×4
A2 SA Overhead Shrug 2×8
A3 Scap Push-Up 2×10
A4 WTD I,Y,T 1x8ea
Circuit 80 sec rest between sets
B1 Bench 3×5 (2sec pause every rep)
C1 BB Shrug 3×8
D1 Plank 3×30 sec
E1 RFE (1DB) 3x5ea
F1 Pull-Up 3×5
G1 Hamstring Curl 3×6
H1 BB Curl 3×8
I1 Triceps Pull-Down 3×8
A1 Band Shuffle 2x8ea
A2 SL Step-Down 2x5ea
A3 Pause Squat Jumps 3×4
B1 Squat 3×5 (2sec pause every rep)
B2 MB Deadbug 3×12
C1 Strap Row 3×5 (3sec neg every rep)
C2 SL RDL 3x4ea
D1 Band Curl 3×12
D2 DB Skull Crusher 3×8
D3 DB Row 3×5 (3sec negative every rep)
A1 Hang Pull 3×3
A2 Banded Clam 1x20ea
A3 BW Sit and Slide 2x6ea
Circuit 80 sec rest between sets
B1 Trap Bar Deadlift 3×5 (3sec negative every rep)
C1 Alternating DB Incline Bench 3x6ea
D1 DB Step Up 3x5ea
E1 DB Lateral Raise 3×5 (3sec negativ every rep)
F1 Reverse Hyper 3×10
G1 Lat Pull Down 3×5 (3sec negative every rep)
H1 BB 66s 3 sets


Assistant Athletic Trainer at Delta State University. 2019 Athletic Trainer of the year. 6 years served in the Mississippi National Guard.

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