New changes are underway at was has previously been known as the Pascagoula Aquatic Club thanks to Chair of Pediatrics Dr. Tyler Sexton. Since taking over the club in 2018, Dr. Sexton has made some major changes to the facility including the name. Now known as H20 and Beyond Aquatic Center, the once known “club” has been given new life.

When asked why he wanted to take on this project Dr. Sexton exclaimed that it was his love for Pascagoula and compassion for its swim team. “Eight kids from the Pascagoula High swim team came up to me and said they were going to lose the swim team because they have no place to swim,” says Dr. Sexton, “and that just touched my heart.” He then began to embark on revitalizing and upgrading the club starting with a name change.

“It’s not a club,” says Dr. Sexton, “it’s a different business than it was before.” What makes it so different now? Fresh coats of paint, a brand new filtration system, and new plans for the future such as a splash pad and arcade. “That’s what it’s all about,” says Dr. Sexton, “a place were kids can enjoy, be safe, and have a great experience.”

Child safety is a very important aspect of H2O and Beyond. “Safety is paramount for us.” says Dr. Sexton. Everyone on the H2O team is a certified lifeguard, with at least two lifeguards on duty at all times. The lifeguards are also fully certified and have CPR training. A kiddy pool is available for young children and swimming lessons are available. Registration for swimming lessons can be found on the H2O webpage.

Price for a monthly membership is $25 up to a family of five, or a yearly membership can be purchased for $275. Guests of families are only $3 and limited to one guest per family. General admission is open to the public for only $5 per day.

All information can be found on the H2O and Beyond Aquatic Center webpage @ and on Facebook.


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