Fireworks are a spectacular part of Fourth of July celebrations on the Gulf Coast, but safety is crucial! Follow these fireworks safety tips:

1.Never allow young children to handle fireworks.

2.Always have water nearby in case of an emergency

3.Light fireworks one at a time, then move back quickly.

4. Never relight or handle malfunctioning fireworks.

As pretty and harmless as they seem, sparklers are extra dangerous for small children. The sparks can cause serious burns to the skin and hands, and can injure the eyes. More than half of the firework injuries to children under the age of 5 are caused by sparklers.

If your child is mature enough to use a sparkler, ensure they are still supervised and know the risks of burns.
Also ensure pets are out of reach when using sparklers.

Consider safe alternatives to fireworks for young children such as party poppers, bubbles, silly string, or glow sticks. Sparklers can reach temps of 2000 degrees-that’s hot enough to melt some metals.

Enjoy the show safely and protect yourself and your loved ones!

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