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The Jackson County Fab Lab mobile unit is being used for more than just educational purposes. On October 20th, the Fab Lab trailer was packed full of cleaning, safety and toiletry supplies and made its journey to Houston, Texas to help benefit the people who are still affected from Hurricane Harvey. 

Earlier this year, Chevron and Fab Lab partnered to create the unit to provide students and aspiring inventors in the area the resources to create, experiment and build their skills in STEAM. The Fab Lab provides educational programming and opportunities to advance STEAM education, human centered design, collaborative projects and the creative economy, connecting people and creating opportunities for learning, research, experimentation and business.

Scott Beebe, Fab Lab Manager, saw the perfect opportunity to utilize the trailer and partner with the Fab Lab in Houston to help pass out the supplies within the area. The donations were collected from Jackson County school district students and teachers. Vancleave, St.Martin and East Central schools collected goods for a month to help fill the Fab Lab unit. A parent of a teacher at St. Martin also donated 400 purses filled with personal toiletry items. 

“I wanted to personally be involved and give back to a community who once gave to us”, said Scott Beebe. “We wanted our people to help a not-so local community that was in need”, he said.

The Fab Lab unit delivered the items to BakerRipley, a non-profit dedicated to connecting low-income families and individuals to opportunity so they can achieve the life they’ve imagined. BakerRipley has also partnered with Chevron and the Fab Foundation and is planning to open their own Fab Lab next summer, which will make the tenth mobile unit within the organization. 

“It’s a big deal to have the Jackson County Fab Lab partner with BakerRipley to help these families who were affected by the flooding”, says Brent Richardson with BakerRipley. “It’s a great support to have friends we can count on at another Fab Lab”, he said. 




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