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Since first opening their doors in 1882, Resurrection Catholic School’s (RCS) mission has been to provide the youth of Jackson County with a nurturing and motivational atmosphere. One in which each student receives the opportunity to reach his full potential as a well-educated, caring, responsible Christian; one equipped to meet and overcome adversity in a challenging society.

Throughout its more than one hundred years, community service has been one of the basic building blocks RCS has utilized in helping to maintain and reach their primary goal. Today, the community decided to give back.

During an assembly at RCS, Bishop Louis Kihneman took center stage to make an announcement and present the school with a gift from members of the community. With all stakeholders, students, faculty and foundation members in attendance, the Bishop presented the school with a $500,000 check to assist in paying off some of the debt the school has accumulated since rebuilding after Hurricane Katrina in 2005. The money was donated by anonymous contributors in Jackson County.

“The bishop categorized debt as an anchor… we’re trying to help the school grow in all aspects, but then we’ve got this debt holding on to us, like an anchor pulling us down,” said RCS principal Noah Hamilton. Hamilton says once the debt is retired, it will free up cash flow to go back into the general fund and be used directly for educational purposes. “I say it’s time to cut this anchor. Let’s get it out of the way so we can get back to what are mission really is – preparing our students academically, spiritually and socially to take the next step of their lives.”


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