Pascagoulans everywhere, it is time to celebrate. A wrong has been righted. Our long national nightmare is over. Joy has returned to Mudville.

The Orange Slush is returning to Edd’s.

For the uninitiated, a little context. Edd’s, of course, is Pascagoula’s iconic drive-in eatery, located on North Market Street just above Highway 90. The Orange Slush, a tasty drink with a unique flavor served over distinctively crushed ice, had been an Edd’s staple since the establishment’s inception in 1953.

Then, the Slush abruptly disappeared in 2020. Turns out the manufacturer of the soda/juice discontinued that specific flavor. Edd’s management decided that if they couldn’t present the proper taste, there would be no product at all (I decision I respect. Thus, we have been Slushless for going on four years.

About a month ago, a flicker of hope appeared. I received an email from my friend Jennifer Brimm, of the Edd’s ownership group, asking me if I would participate in a taste-testing project for a possible Orange Slush replacement. 

Heck, that was like asking somebody to test-drive a Maserati or serve as a practice customer at the Beau Rivage. I pretty much tripped over myself saying yes. Plus, my son Wesley, who was weaned on Orange Slushes, was in town for the weekend, so he could join in the testing.

My family concluded that this version of the Orange Slush was quite close to the original. We emphasized in our extensive reply document, that after minor tweaking, and keeping in mind that ice consistency was a key, we felt like it was a go.

I am now very happy to report that after reviewing the focus group feedback, Edd’s Is bringing our beloved Orange Slush back! Let’s examine how this all came together, through my conversation with Edd’s guru Madame Brimm.

“We have been on a mission to find a comparable replacement for the Orange Slushes since we had to discontinue them,” said Jennifer. “Our general manager, Susan Parker, has visited food shows, contacted different vendors for samples, and ordered different brands all over the country in search of “the” Orange Slush flavor we all remember. We never intended for it to be gone forever, the process just took longer than expected.

“It has been an arduous project, but always at the top of our list. A very limited number of family and friends were asked to taste test, because we knew they were familiar with the original. Now it’s time to get a broader sample!

“Arrangements have been made with our distributor to bring the Orange Slush back full time immediately. It’s summertime the perfect season to reintroduce a Pascagoula legend.”

So, an interesting backstory,  and now, good news for locals and expatriates alike. Kudos to Jennifer and her team at Edd’s for making this happen. 

“The Foster and Martin families and all of our children grew up in this community and take Edd’s Drive-In tradition seriously,” said Jennifer. “We truly try to keep the original menu intact, as well as the quality everyone expects. We know that the Orange Slush has been missed, and we are hoping we have found the answer.”

Of course, Edd’s itself holds a prominent place at the table for any discussion about Pascagoula’s most revered treasures. Think about it: since 1953—so now in its seventy-first year—the venerable drive-in on North Market has served as a touchstone for several generations of Pascagoulans, Moss Pointers, and Jackson Countians. 

If you grew up around here, Edd’s was always on your circuit in high school, college, and beyond. Great burgers, fries, hot dogs, sundaes, shakes and Slushes, but more than anything, a gathering place. Everybody that went to high school locally has a story that starts with “Remember that time we were at Edd’s and…”.

I mentioned expatriates earlier. Every person that lives away from Pascagoula now has a nice list of “have to do’s” whenever they come home. If you took a poll, I guarantee you that the top two on the list would be “ride by the beach” and “go to Edd’s”.

So now, thanks to the return of the Orange Slush in all its glory, we in Pascagoula are whole again. Hop in the car, slide by Edd’s, grab a chili-cheese and a Slush, head down Market Street toward the beach, and throw your head back and say, “Oh, hell yeah.”

Richard Lucas may be contacted at


*Photos courtesy of Foster-Brimm Consulting

Richard Lucas is a native and lifetime resident of Pascagoula. He is a Pascagoula High School graduate and holds a Bachelor of Business Administration degree from the University of Mississippi. In 2017, he retired from Singing River Health System after a 36-year career as Director of Communications. He recently had a ten-year run as a weekly sports columnist for The Mississippi Press. Richard and his wife Mary Jon, a retired school librarian, have been married for 43 years. They have two sons, Cooper and Wesley, and two dogs, Bea and Lily. The Lucases attend First United Methodist Church in Pascagoula. In retirement, Richard remains active in community affairs, serving on boards and committees such as The United Way of Jackson and George Counties, the Pascagoula Strategic Planning Committee, the Jackson County Historical and Genealogical Society, Pascagoula Main Street, and others. Richard Lucas may be contacted at

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