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The American Heart Association and its partners in the Jackson County community have been working throughout the month of November to inspire local residents to have a happy, healthy holiday while helping others do the same.

November is Eat Smart Month (Wednesday, November 1 was National Eating Healthy Day), and there’s no better time to embrace a healthier diet and lifestyle than the kickoff of the year-end holiday season. While the holidays are a time for food, friends, family, and fun, there’s no reason that one can’t maintain a healthy diet while still enjoying the bounty of the season with just a few simple amendments. For more information on how to keep yourself on a heart-healthy track throughout the holidays, click here (https://bit.ly/2ngvBCo).

While keeping yourself and your family healthy during the holidays is wonderful, you can also help make sure those in need this holiday season have healthy foods as well. The American Heart Association in Jackson County is encouraging healthy food drives for the local food banks by asking individuals and businesses to donate healthy foods to those in need this holiday season. Healthy foods that are needed include those with low sodium, foods that add color to the holiday plate, non-perishable individually wrapped products, and foods bearing the American Heart Association Heart Checkmark logo. Suggestions include: prepackaged whole grain cereals, low-sugar granola bars, instant oatmeal cups, dehydrated fruit, whole-grain crackers, unsalted rice cakes, and low-sodium canned vegetables.

Donations are still being accepted, so if you or your business collected foods throughout the month of November and would like to support the healthy food drive initiative, please contact the American Heart Association for pick-up at 228-236-5830. Donated foods will be picked up by American Heart Association staff on November 30, and items will go to 12 Baskets, a food bank serving the Mississippi Coast, in early December.

The American Heart Association has contacted all 2018 Jackson County Heart Walk sponsors to encourage them to host their own healthy food drives in support of the overarching initiative. One Jackson County business that has taken the healthy food initiative to a different level is AT&T. Employees have collected healthy foods for donation to the VA of Biloxi food drive, helping to meet existing needs in a way that helps other eat a heart-healthy diet throughout the holiday season.


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