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Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College, 2nd Chance MS, Bacot McCarty Foundation, and Chevron are announcing the start of a program that will provide needed supportive service assistance to underserved adult students working to obtain their High School Equivalency and employment skills training from MGCCC.

MGCCC offers some of the best adult education and vocational skills training courses in the United States.  But a significant number of the adult students participating in these outstanding programs lack basic necessities, such as food, transportation, clothing, child care, and supplies needed for class.  The lack of any of these necessities can prevent an otherwise hardworking adult from completing their High School Equivalency and/or job skills training. 

This Program is designed to address such challenges by establishing a wrap-around support fund that MGCCC can utilize to provide emergency assistance to deserving adult students in genuine need.  This Wrap-Around Support Fund can make the difference for an adult student at MGCCC working to get their adult education, job skills training, and ultimately, a stable non-minimum wage job. Whether its a drug test or a ride to class, they want to help MGCCC students succeed. 

2nd Chance MS., Bacot McCarty Foundation, and Chevron will all make an initial contribution of $5000 each to establish the Fund, which will be administered by MGCCC.  It is anticipated that additional partners will contribute to this Fund in near future.   

Chevron is proud to partner with 2nd Chance MS, Bacot McCarty Foundation and MGCCC to make social investments in programs that promote self-sufficiency, job growth and economic development”, says Alan Sudduth, Chevron Policy, Government and Public Affairs Manager.

Everyone is invited to the official announcement and check presentation to Dr. Mary Graham, President of MGCCC, at 10:30am, October 11 at MGCCC’s Warner Peterson Administration Building on the Gautier campus.  

“Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College is excited to partner with 2nd Chance MS,  Bacot McCarty Foundation and Chevron to provide wrap-around support services to our adult education, skill certification and career training students.  We recognize that many of these students are coming back to school despite adverse and complicated situations to prepare for better career opportunities.  We are grateful to our partners who help provide the resources needed to help disadvantaged students achieve success”, said Dr. Mary Graham, President Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College.



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